Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Countdown to my 2nd trimester

I came back from London with a belly full of love on my 7th week of pregnancy. 
Being a newbie to all this, even reading about all the symptoms (and the freaking mood swings) did not prepare me for this roller coaster of an experience. 

So, I decided I needed to get some thoughts out to my second trimester self just in case I forgot how glorious the first one was. 

Dear B,

I hope you are happily sliding into your second trimester and enjoying the increased energy. Hopefully the nausea has quieted down as well and you can enjoy meals throughout the day instead of just the night time. I'm pretty sure during your first weeks you were the most bloated girl in all of Finland but maybe you'll have a bit of belly instead of air in there.

Remember to thank the people around you who have the patience to deal with your moodiness because we both know that you couldn't handle yourself if you were at the receiving end.
Don't argue this, B.

You are slowly losing you're wonderful, curvy, 22 y.o body but you have to keep in mind it's someone's home now. Promise me that every time you feel fat or want to crawl under a duvet and mourn for your previous party filled life, you will remember that you are growing a miracle.

Not many people know this about you but ever since you fought through your first (and last) abortion, you've been secretly hoping that you'd get knocked up. You're there now. With all the symptoms, the support, the denial and need to pee every two hours. Fucking embrace it. Not every women gets to have children even if they want to and you got it as a surprise package!

Take the pictures, Snapchat the future kicks, buy the mommy jeans and punch anyone who makes you feel like you are not aloud to enjoy your pregnancy. Eat less crap and drown yourself in veggies and water. And for heavens sake woman, get out of the house while you still can. Who knows how soon you're going to need someone to roll you down the stairs.

Last but not least, since every mommy blog out there is warning you about the lack of sleep you're getting yourself into in about 7 months, sleep while you can. Take all the naps. I mean all the naps.

                                                        Love, B


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